The Scribblings of a
Monkey!!! 📝🐒
VuePress Tutorial 6 - Homepage Layout
In this tutorial we'll be discussing how to configure the homepage layout by using the options exposed by the default theme...
VuePress Tutorial 5 - Configuration Basics
Currently, the site consists of a homepage with a title saying "Hello VuePress", and a search box which builds an index from...
VuePress Tutorial 4 - Directory Structure
We're going to start with an overview of the current directory structure from the previous tutorial. Then we'll describe the...
VuePress Tutorial 3 - Set Up and Installation
First we'll be going over how to create a repository on GitHub. If you plan on using these tutorials as guides and want to...
Installing Yarn 1
Before discussing Yarn in more detail, let's first define what a package manager is and what it handles for us. A pacakage...